Wednesday 12 March 2014

Cottage Country Part Three- Poor Chair...

At my cousin’s cottage, their dinner table is on the main floor. Each person has his or her own chair, as if it were perfectly planned. I guess the cottage gods were on our side the day my aunt and uncle bought it. But anyways, my cousin Michael wanted to play chef. So we went in the basement and got our supplies ready. I was the waitress, Sam and Stephanie were the customers and Michael was the chef. Of course we used fake food, but I would love to see how using real food would’ve turned out. Anyways, Michael was having a lot of fun cooking random food and experimenting with different colours and flavours. Let’s just say, Fillet a la mode with fish eggs and gobstoppers with a side of mayonnaise would NOT go down easy. Okay, so while I sat down my ‘customers’, I noticed that we didn’t have any chairs for them to sit down on. So I went up and got two of the ones from the dining room. We were told MULTIPLE TIMES to make sure to take extra care of the chairs because of we lose one, someone is going to have to sit on the floor. So we continued on with the chairs, sharing witty banter to enhance the experience.

Get it? UN OEUF? ENOUGH? Hohohohohoho…

After Michael brought out their food, Sam decided to add a bit of comedy to the game. Each and every plate of food Michael brought out; Sam got more and more upset. He either told me the food was terrible, or it wasn’t what he wanted. He would talk in this weird fake French accent and went a bit out of control. Apparently it wasn’t enough, so he decided to pick up the chair. And throw it. Across the room. Hard. And he broke it into pieces.

Each and every single on of the legs snapped off. So, being the greatest cousin in the world, we all agreed to not tell their mom. Because we all knew that she would FREAK if she found out. So, Sam thought we just shouldn’t tell her at all. But my wonderful brain decided that it would be more believable that we didn’t do anything if we told her straight away. So we came up with the idea that all that happened, was that Sam was just wiggling around in the chair, and it eventually just snapped. Okay, it wasn’t the BEST story, but it was better than THROWING IT ACROSS THE ROOM. So we went up stairs, and came partially clean about what happened. So everything was going pretty well until Michael decided to add, “That’s not what happened, you threw it across the room!”. Wow. Way. To. Go. Michael. So that’s when it went crazy.

Basically, someone ended up sitting on the floor at dinner that night.

*Hem Hem SAM*

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